This blog is about my experience with N73. Im sharing softwares, themes, games, and every tips and tricks related to N73.
Sharing is caring, if you have any question or have something to share with me. Please email to
There are a lot of free java games and applications on the internet. Imagine you just download a java game pack which contain hundred of java games, but not all of them are really fun or playable. Each time you want to try out a java game or application, you need to transfer it into your phone then install it. If you don't like the game, you have to uninstall it again. The process is very troublesome and time consuming.
Now you can try all your java game/application on your PC. It will save you a lot of time. Now you can try it on your PC before determine which one you want install on your phone.
This emulator is called SJboy. Just download and install. It work for any java game/application Enjoy!
I am just an ordinary N73 user. Proud owner of N73 Music Edition, gatta love this phone. Just want to share my experience with you.
Contact me:
both links dead..could you reupload pls