This blog is about my experience with N73. Im sharing softwares, themes, games, and every tips and tricks related to N73.

Sharing is caring, if you have any question or have something to share with me. Please email to

Saturday, December 11, 2010

iON BatteryTimer v1.04

Introducing iON BatteryTimer v1.04. Previously I had introduce a battery software - batterylife, which many of the users having problem installing it. In my opinion, this new software iON BatteryTimer, is way better than batterylife. It provide more powerful functions, accuracy and less bug as well. Features:
  • Provides information about:
    • Operating time remaining to complete discharge,
    • Estimated future date and time of the battery being completely discharged,
    • How long the battery holds its charge on average,
  • Fast and handy access to remaining operating time at the home/standby screen.
  • Power saver with additional the ‘big’ battery levels percentages indicator, built-in system notifications (e.g. missed calls, messages, unread emails, current profile, keypad lock).
Download - multiupload
Install and use, No NEED TO REGISTER!


  1. salam,

    i have hack my cell according your tutorial but some time it give error unhand led exception (after installation) close application can you tell me the solution

  2. Nice app man, but which theme is that? Coz its really cool. I'd love that theme on my phone. Please tell me which one it is.... please please please!! And can you give me the download link as well?
