Friday, January 8, 2010

How to make your N73 a Torch

One of the most important tool that we never bother to carry in our pocket is a torch light. Imagine what will happen when we are in a place which there are no light and dark, a torch light always a handy tool for it.

Since cellphone had becoming a very common tool in our daily life, it is very important for the cellphone to have basic function like torch light. Unfortunately, there are no official release of software from nokia that enable us to use the flash as a torch.

Today im introducing two software which make your N73 a torch light. It will work for other symbian 3rd phone too.

1. NTorch Lite v.1.0

This software enable you to use your camera flash light as a torch. It will keep the flash light on. Pretty handy when you are in a electric blackout. NTorch Lite can also save your life in an emergency. By blinking the camera flash light with internationally recognized SOS pattern.

Download from rapidshare
Download from megaupload

please enter the correct unlock code on your first attempt to open the software after install. Or else you will need to reinstall again if you enter the wrong code.

This software is quite old already, if you get certificate expired error, try reset phone date to 8/25/2007. Or you can just Hack your phone so there will be no more limit on certificate date, you can install any software you want.
How to Hack your N73 in 5 minutes.

2. Fun Torch

This software will turn your screen into torch light. You can manually set the colour of your screen. It is a freeware, enjoy!

Download from rapidshare
Download from megaupload

Enjoy! If you feel want to thanks, please click on my ads.


  1. thanks for guiding me aspiring to download such a useful software

  2. hey... the (1. NTorch Lite v.1.0) the flashlight does not bright enough.. how to make it bright enough like the flash light camera... tq

  3. hacked it, but it says 'unable to install' when trying to install the torch soft

  4. works perfectly! thanx

  5. hi,thanks for sharing this information,i found the site name unlock-free
    providing nokia master reset code for DCT mobile....

  6. File is found error is Showing when i click the link given by you .Pls see to this problem Immediately
